8 Swimming Pool Accessories You Need to Have

Posted by  on 19 April, 2021
8 Swimming Pool Accessories You Need to Have

A pool is a great addition to any home, but what could make the deal even sweeter? Pool accessories of course! Whether you are looking to just relax or you want to keep the kids entertained, keep reading for the best swimming pool accessories you need to have for fun and safety.

1. Solar Blankets and Solar Rollers

A solar blanket is a great pool accessory as it will ensure your pool is ready for use by keeping the water protected from any rain or other debris. A solar blanket will also help keep your pool heated by retaining the heat from the sun and reducing evaporation.

By harnessing the power of the sun and preventing your pool water levels from dropping, a solar blanket can save you a good amount of money on energy and water costs.

Solar Rollers make putting the cover on and off much easier. It also saves on damaging your cover by not dragging it on your pool deck.

2. Water Test Strips and Test Kits

Water testing is an important part of your pool maintenance routine and we recommend that you test your water at least once a week. This will help you keep an eye on the chemical levels in your pool so you can avoid any nasty bacteria or algae growth.

You can stock up on test strips if you’re looking for a solution that’s quick and easy to use.

Of course, they won’t be as accurate as liquid test kits, which you should also keep in handy.

Test strips will help cover the basics such as: free chlorine, bromine (if you use this instead of chlorine), total hardness, total alkalinity, pH, and cyanuric acid. To use your test strips, hold the strip underwater for a few seconds then compare the strip to the colour graduation scale provided to get your reading.

Other than regular weekly testing at home, it’s still a great idea to take a water sample to get professionally tested by your local pool store at least once per month.

3. Manual Vacuum

A manual vacuum can be the perfect solution if your pool is ever experiencing an algae infestation. Algae needs to be brushed before it can be vacuumed out of your pool and a manual vacuum is a two-in-one vacuum and brush so you can get the job done quickly.

Many vacuum cleaner heads are compact and give you more control when you are cleaning your pool. Automatic vacuums can save time and effort, but they might miss hard-to-reach spots in your pool. By using a manual vacuum you can spot-clean minor problem areas before they get out of hand and become major problems.

4. Skimmer or Leaf Net

Skimmer nets are essential accessories, especially if you have any plants or trees near your pool. Flowers and trees from your garden will result in petals and leaves in your pool and on a windy day you can expect a higher volume of debris getting into the pool if you don’t have a pool cover. Not to mention those pesky little bugs that land in your pool and can’t get out!

You’ll want to be able to use your skimmer to remove the debris so you’re not swimming through what feels like a swamp. The use of a regular pool skimmer is fine for getting rid of the occasional leaf or bug but on a windy day or after a storm, there tends to be much more debris. 

You’ll be able to get the pool clean much faster by using a leaf rake or a leaf net in place of a regular pool skimmer which needs to be emptied out every few seconds. A leaf net will pick up and hold much more and will not need to be emptied as often.

5. Backwash Hose

Having a backwash hose is useful for cleaning your swimming pool filter without having to do it manually. The process of backwashing reverses the flow of water which flushes out any contaminants from your pool filter, making it easier for you to remove any trapped debris. 

You will know you have to backwash your pool when your pressure gauge reads at 10 pounds per square inch above normal operating levels. This means that there is a bunch of debris blocking the flow of water to your filter. Many pool owners will say that their backwash hose is a vital accessory for any pool.

6. Automatic Pool Cleaner

An automatic pool cleaner is a convenient pool accessory that can help save you a lot of time and effort by keeping the pool clean when you aren’t around. 

It can make jumping into the pool after a long day at work a much more spontaneous decision, as you won’t need to skim or clean it before you can relax. Your automatic pool cleaner will take care of the hassle of cleaning and is one of the most helpful pool supplies you can have. 

7. Pool Safety Essentials

Drowning is one of the main causes of death for children in North America, even if most children are not expected to be in or near a pool. While there is no substitution for close supervision, it’s still a good idea to keep some safety items within reach of your pool.

Your pool safety toolkit should have a rope and float line to mark off the deep end of the pool, a ring buoy, a safety hook and a first aid kit. These items should be easily accessible in a well-marked location. Be sure to inspect them regularly to make sure they are in good condition and ready for use at any moment.

8. Toys and Pool Loungers

Investing in some pool toys is a great choice, especially if you have kids. Some common toys include pool noodles or pool volleyball and basketball sets. 

These are classic games that can be fun for any age and also encourage us to be more active. If relaxation is your game, then pool floats are easy to set up and great for relaxing and there are many different varieties available to suit your needs.

Solda Pools Is Your Go-To Swimming Pool Accessories Supplier

Are you ready to accessorize your pool? At Solda Pools, we strive to provide our clients with the latest pool accessories. We have been serving the Toronto and GTA community for over 35 years.

For more information about custom pools or pool accessories, call Solda Pools at 905-796-6500 or contact us here