Winter Inground Pool Maintenance: Do’s and Don’ts

Posted by  on 27 December, 2023
Winter Inground Pool Maintenance: Do’s and Don’ts

Once winter is around the corner, homeowners must turn their thoughts to proper winter pool maintenance. The winterization process may seem complicated if you recently installed a pool. However, pool damage can occur if owners don’t do it properly. 

In this article, we will discuss the best and worst practices when winterizing your inground pool.

Steps to Incorporate With Pool Winterization

There are some basic steps that pool owners can take regarding winter swimming pool maintenance, such as checking your system, incorporating the proper chemicals, and keeping the area clean. You can easily maintain your pool throughout the winter by mindfully incorporating these steps. 

Inspect, Clean, and Thoroughly Dry the Pool Cover

Some homeowners forget about winterizing their inground pool until it is too late. Examining your pool cover’s condition is a must before winter begins. Homeowners should first ensure the cover is tight enough to fit over the pool comfortably. This task ensures that debris, dirt, leaves, and dust don’t enter the pool.

Examine the cover to ensure it is fully dry. Any water accumulation can freeze, thus damaging the cover. When the warm summer temperatures return, dirty, stagnant water will seep into the pool when the cover is removed.

Check the Pool System

When temperatures drop below 0°C (32°F), it is advisable to check on your pool system and pipes. Homeowners must drain their water from the pump, pool filter, pool pipes, and pool heater at time of pool closing. 

Ensure the pool system is fully dry because water expands in the winter at this temperature and can result in extensive damage like cracked pipes.

Reduce Water Levels

Heat evaporates pool water in summer, which doesn’t occur in winter. If the water level is not adjusted, your pool water can freeze, causing your pool tiles to crack. Therefore, you should decrease the water level below your skimmer by two to six inches. However, refrain from completely draining your pool. 

Add Algaecide to the Pool 

Outdoor pools require adding a strong winter algaecide. This step is essential as it reduces green algae growth and aids the pool cleaning process when it is opened again in summer. Allow your algaecide to pump through your pool for one day, ensuring it is completely incorporated.

Use the Proper Chemicals

After conducting a basic cleaning, balance the water and add enzymes, sequestering agent and chlorine shock. The enzymes eliminate contaminants and pollutants that infiltrate your pool. They also act to prevent a waterline ring. Chlorine’s function is to ensure your water remains clean until spring time.

By using the correct chemicals for winter, you will prevent algae growth, corrosion, stains, and scum lines.

Incorporate Antifreeze

Using pool grade antifreeze in your inground pool’s lines ensures they don’t split or crack from winter freezing. Buried crack lines are challenging to locate without a leak detection test, which is costly. 

Additionally, you can use pool grade antifreeze in your pump to avoid damaging it. Non-toxic pool grade antifreeze works best at up to -50°C. However, do not use antifreeze in a brominator or chlorinator. If you are doubtful which equipment requires antifreeze, consult the manufacturer’s manual or contact your pool professional.

Ensure Your Pool Accessories Are Properly Stored

Homeowners should store their pool equipment and accessories in a dry, clean location. They must remain away from sunlight to increase their longevity. 

Activities Pool Owners Should Avoid

If you want to keep your pool in optimal shape, there are a number of things you should avoid. This will increase the longevity of your pool and prevent expensive repairs in the summer.

Refraining From Emptying the Pool

While some owners think emptying the pool will prevent algae growth, draining it can generate additional damage and expose the pool to increased risks. Refrain from draining your pool, and winterize it instead.

Closing the Pool Too Early

Algae and warm water make the perfect breeding ground. If you winterize your pool prematurely and the temperatures haven’t dropped sufficiently, your pool cover becomes the prime candidate for algae growth.

Failing to Attach the Pool Cover Properly

Avoid using rocks or bricks to attach the pool cover over the winter. It is the most common error in winter pool maintenance. Doing this can damage the liner and pool cover, resulting in them falling into the pool. Instead, purchase proper pool winter water bags to hold the pool cover in its place. 

Forgetting About Doing an Equipment Check

Homeowners must ensure all equipment is functioning before closing their pool. You should ensure you have a working pool pump without chlorination/calcium buildup in your salt cell.

Inspect the sand filter, rinse, and backwash. Remember to clean your cartridge filter, as people frequently neglect to do so. To clean it, remove your filter, then wash it using a filter cleaner.

Refraining From Leaving Metal Equipment Outside

During your winter pool maintenance, take note of all the metal equipment. These include all diving boards and ladders. Place them in a dry location and inside the house, shed or garage. Taking this extra precaution protects the metal equipment from generating rust, cracking, and additional issues.

Leaving the Floater/Feeder With Bromine/Chlorine in Your Water

Although you may hope it will fight algae while your pool is closed, the floater/feeder shouldn’t remain in the pool once you turn off the pump system. During this time, the water isn’t circulating and filtering. Therefore, chlorine left in one place can bleach the liner.

Solda Pools Services All Your Pool Installation Needs

At Solda Pools, we work with you to ensure your pool installation needs are fully met. We pride ourselves on creating the best pool solutions for you. We focus on construction solutions and high-quality designs that meet your budget and desires. 

Furthermore, our owners are personally invested in each completed project. Our proactive approach will help you avoid disappointment and future issues.

Contact us at 289-201-2487 to discuss your pool needs and any questions. You can also contact us here to book a consultation on our website.